Cancellations and Refunds

You can cancel your payments or a booking of a puja 2 days prior the event date and if it less than 2 days to booking, you can adjust the date range. This is because we do communicate with temples well before hand of the puja date and hence it becomes difficult to make any last minute cancellations

1) Cancellations and Full Refund

You can cancel a puja or a service which is booked on the platform / app via calling us directly, sending us WhatsApp message via the App or even sending us an email before 2 days of the puja date for the money to be fully refunded

2) Change of Dates & Adjustments

You can call us or WhatsApp us to change the puja date to a later date or even the adjust the puja of choice and add / remove devotees from the list - this is again allowed at least 2 days before the puja date and it is not encouraged if the request comes before 2 days of the puja

3) Puja Cancelled by Temple - Refund initiated by mypujaLIVE

Due to any reason (be it temple being closed for various reasons or if pandit being not available) if the puja is cancelled or no performed by temple or mypujaLIVE - we shall then refund the full amount or if you prefer, we can change the date and get the puja performed at a later date

4) Refund Issue - Credit Timeline

If there are any issues related to refund or if there are questions related to by when the money would be credited to your account, we would be happy to share screenshots or details from our payments partners

If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact us Email ID: